Session Details

Portrait Lighting: One is Enough

Speaker: Cris Duncan
Cris Duncan

Session Time: Feb 1st 10:00 am - 1:00 pm CT
Location: Ft. Worth 6, Convention Center, Level 3
Track(s): Portrait, Technique, Lighting, Posing

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Does using only one light sound odd to you? When Cris was a new photographer using only one light sounded odd to him too! While some occasions call for multiple light sources and directions, there are other times when one light can be, and often is, enough. In fact, Cris loves “one light portraits” where a single stroke of the brush from one direction is used for sculpting and shaping a scene. 

Cris will do a live demo creating ten unique images using only one light source. This presentation will empower you to see the creativity, flexibility, and quality that a single source can create. 

Lighting is a science, meaning it is predictable. The next time you are lighting your subject or packing gear for a job, remember that oftentimes less is more and one light can be enough! Add diversity to your portfolio and skills to your repertoire by harnessing the power of just one light. class is perfect for any photographer who is ready to take their lighting skills and image creation to the next level.