Speakers List
Marnie Clagett

Marnie ClagettM.Photog.Cr., CPP

Marnie Clagett

Marnie Clagett is a hot mess. She’s more than a little scatterbrained, is a complete geek, and her greatest nemesis is her google calendar. In 2009, she started what was meant to be a part-time photography business. One year later, she was worn out and struggling, running a full-time studio with hundreds of clients, a ridiculous schedule, and only $10,000 in the bank to show for it. So she made big scary changes, took control of her business, and today runs a studio which not only supports her family of four, but also allows her to give back to her home town and her photography community in ways she never dreamed possible. She believes with every bit of her dorky little heart that if this hot mess can find success of all kinds in her studio, anyone can, and loves to prove that by helping other photographers achieve their own goals for improving their businesses and their lives.

Contact Info

Speaker Sessions

Saturday, February 1
10:00 am - 1:00 pm CT
Empower Your Business: Take Charge and Achieve Your Goals
Deep Dive 1/2 Day Pre-Conference Training: Saturday, February 1, Business, Portrait, Sales, Marketing

Featured Work

All images copyright of Marnie Clagett