Speakers List
Michael Taylor

Michael TaylorM.Photog.Hon.M.Photog.Cr., API, F-ASP

Michael Taylor

Graduate of Westmont College (Theology) and Brooks Institute (honors in Portraiture) , Michael is nearing the 40 year mark of doing professional photography. Known for his mastery of lighting, he has given over 500 workshops and has spoken internationally 30 times. A past President of PPA and the American Society of Photography, he is a founding member of the Society of XXV and has been intimately involved with all aspects of the photo industry. Michael continues to photograph daily and has expanded his expertise into the world of commercial photography. Both his wife and son are innovative photographers.

Contact Info

Speaker Sessions

Tuesday, February 4
8:00 am - 9:30 am CT
Going off Road: How to Follow Your Own Path
Business, Technique, Marketing