Sponsored By: Miller’s Professional Imaging
Jennifer started Sock Monkey Photography seventeen years ago specifically targeting Pre-Schools without having any photography experience or know-how. She just knew it was something she wanted to do. Seventeen years later she along with her husband, operate an extremely successful volume business. She is a proud member of PPA, TPPA, BVPPA, and PPGH. Jennifer has earned her Texas Fellowship and her Photographic Craftsman (Cr. Photog). She has served on the PPA nominating committee and was the Chair of that committee in 2020.
Robin is a proud member of the PPA, TPPA, and SPOA. He has earned the designation of a Certified Professional Photographer, CPP, and Photographic Craftsman (Cr.Photog.) from the PPA. He is a past TPPA President and is a former chair of the PPA’s Speaker Selection Committee involving Schools, Sports, and Special Events.
In 2020 Jennifer and Robin merged their successful studio with Freeman Photography which is one of the oldest and most recognized family-owned and operated volume photography studios in Houston. By merging the two studios they now service some of the most prestigious private schools in Houston, preschools, and several mega sports associations and have seen sales growth every year. They have presented at IUSA many times and have taught all over the country. They are regulars at the Texas School of Photography and in their brief time as volume photographers have received a number of recognitions and accolades for their work and dedication within our industry but one of the biggest was being recognized by Time Magazine as individual entrepreneurs for their work as volume photographers and the ability to always be hustling. Jennifer and Robin are proudly sponsored by and a member of Miller’s Professional Imaging speaker team.