Sponsored By: Miller’s Professional Imaging
Tiffany is a lifestyle motherhood and family photographer based in Huntsville, Alabama. She recently relocated to AL from SC (in March 2020, at the start of the pandemic) with her husband and 2 beautiful daughters. In June they welcomed their surprise baby boy to the mix! One thing Tiffany is passionate about is building relationships and connections and weaving that throughout her entire business. Because of this she was able to rapidly build a thriving business in the midst of crazy transition and timing. Changing the narrative of diversity in the lifestyle photography world is also at the forefront of her business. Currently the only black lifestyle family photographer in Huntsville, she is an advocate for broadening that reach and helping others see the crucial and beautiful role black artists can play in that genre. Emotion and connection drive her images and are what her clients are drawn to. When she isn't shooting you can find her living out Acts 2 :42 with her family and those friends that have become family... That and discovering all the hidden food gems Huntsville has to offer.