
PPA Celebrates Industry Achievements

Published: January 30, 2024
PPA Celebrates Industry Achievements

Photographers dressed up in their glittery gowns and spectacular suits and walked across the stage to accept their degrees last night. PPA's preseident, Kira Derryberry, M.Photog.Cr., CPP also honored this year's PPA Award Winners. Watch the full live stream here

Congratulations to PPA’s New Degree Recipients & Award Winners

On behalf of PPA, we’d like to recognize the hard work and dedication of the 155 individuals who earned their PPA degree(s) this year. We applaud you on this milestone and thank you for your unwavering service to the photographic industry. PPA also recognized the following individuals for their outstanding contributions to the organization and industry as a whole: 

  • Tina Timmons, M.Photog.Cr. – PPA Jurors Meritorious Service Award 
  • Giuseppe Scozzi – PPA International Service Award 
  • Cris Duncan, M.Photog.M.Artist.Cr., CPP – PPA Education Award
  • Trey Homan Cr.Photog., CPP – PPA Humanitarian Award
  • Jeffrey Shaw Cr.Photog – PPA Business Education Award
  • Jamie Hayes, M.Photog.Cr., M.Photog.M.Wed.Photog.Cr., CPP, ABI, API– PPA Volunteer of the Year Award
  • Mark Weber, M.Photog.MEI.Cr., CPP – PPA Vanguard Award
  • Nick Woodman – PPA Technology Impact Award
  • Colby McLenmore, M.Photog.Cr., CPP – Director’s Award
  • Mark Seliger – Lifetime Achievement Award and Honorary Master of Photography degree

We offer our heartfelt congratulations and thanks to this year’s incredible lineup of individuals!